Phew! What a crazy busy month... I am excited to say that I have made it through with [[most]] of my sanity. I honestly think a lot of the surviving is due to the fact that I have made it a purpose to ignore the to-do list that is coming out of my ears and take a moment to be in His word. It's true that God is a great comforter, provider, and source of strength (just to name a few!)
Alas, here is May summed up in a picture dump:
First up, I was able to hang out with one of my favorite girls from my childhood. (Shout out!!)
She is a few years older than me (though way more exciting... I am def the boring old mom now lol) but she was ALWAYS one of those girls that I looked up to and that kind of took me under her wing. I guess I should say "look" as in present tense, too, because her amazingness hasn't changed since the last time I saw her 8 years ago. Here's to hoping she comes into this desert more frequently!!
Caydon's packing for grandma. I took the AEPA test to finish my certification for teaching elementary, and he stayed with my mom.
Dealing with this:
Anyone know why a 5 year old would have chronic cradle cRap?! We can't get rid of it... we use dandruff shampoo instead of No More Tears, you name it. So weird!! HOWEVER, it totally beats lice! I'll take it!!
Growing Up:
My beautiful little man graduated from preschool!!
Furthermore, I am beginning to think that he "graduated" from his IEP. I can't see him being in the projected self-contained autism classroom... he's progressing like crazy and doing fairly well socially. I've also been battling an IEP that to umm.. remain professional... isn't one that I agree with.
Mother's Day:
4 generations of love! Maternal side <3
The boy who calls me mom.... my biggest blessing!
Sweet present little man made for me! Adorbs!!
Bible Study Playdate Saturdays.. which lead into lunch and play!
His buddies! They are as amazing as their parents... I am so blessed to call them all close friends! (Their mommy is also the lady who baptized me a few months back!)
His first time going on the train around the mall. He's always wanted to, but never been able. :)
Baseball Games:

"Train Ride" over... aka the lightrail. With my hs best friend!
Being Mom:
Teaching about Avengers
Playing Ninja
Optometrist Appointment
Caydon doesn't need glasses like he was projected to! His eyes have actually improved!! This was great news for him... he hates doctors and anything touching his face! It was also great news for me because:
My eyes didn't improve... they actually got worse. Joy! I did, however, buy my first pair of glasses since 6th grade. I clearly love the glasses look on me... ;)
Wedding Weekends:
I let her borrow my sunglasses. I can be a sweet daughter... sometimes. See?:
The family was in town for a wedding weekend. My cousin got married... don't you love how family weddings seem to turn into a weekend rather than just a night? Can't complain the family visits, though!
Photobooth Fun!
Professional Development:
National LETRS program: Education Neuroscience re: Reading Aquisition. LOVE it.. but it totally consumes the brain!
Lately, anyway...
My last day of my first year of teaching!!!! Did you catch that?!? Yeah... awesome!!!
From my amazing mentor teacher, who is also now a close friend! <3
Going away parties with my classes. I was honest with my students and told them that my chance of returning was slim... I don't want them to think I chose to "abandon" them or something. I did keep it professional, though, and explained this it is how it works being at the bottom of the totem pole. Nothing anyone can do! (Though a family did decide to write me a letter of recommendation.. Such a sweet offer!) As for the job, I am still awaiting a contract, and am praying continuously for patience & a door to open. I am still trying to finish cleaning out my classroom. I have one more car trip left... my poor house exploded with my teaching supplies! I also did interview somewhere, so please keep my in your prayers as I await the news and continue praying for more interviews. Faith is hard, but so worth it!!
Just kidding!!!
My to-do list still entails:
-tons of professional development classes (8-5 Mon-Fri this coming week!)
-burning/delivering a photography cd
-finding a job!!
-restarting the foster parenting process.. Cay's progress is allowing this to be an option finally!
-finish cleaning out my classroom
-organizing the classroom explosion in our home
-hopefully a second date! ;)
-figuring out Cay's kinder placement
-giving Cay much needed attention from his mommy